If you are a person longing for healing or you simply pay attention to preserving your own and your family's health, then you are at the right place!
Despite that the healthy way of life has been focussed on more and more nowadays, you have ever lesser time to yourself and to restore the harmony of the body and the psyche in the rushing work days. You should not blame the lack of time for that: Here you can restore your harmony lost long time ago and your health condition!

Sound therapy - Choke-damp cabin – Magneto-therapy - Magneter treatment - Bat bed - Jadeite-stone massage bed - 3D Chi machine – Light therapy - Oxygen tub bath - Health water - ABI (ankle/arm index) test examination


After enquiring the patient, the doctor can learn about the previous and current condition of the patient during a brief examination of inner medicine and the movement organs. Then the customised healing cure is built, medical treatments are prescribed, the bathing time in the medicinal water is discussed and recommendations are made. Our guests can receive comprehensive information on their health condition during the consulting with the doctor and they can change their aspects completely owing to the consulting on the way of living.

The consulting hours are held by Dr. Ficsor Ilona - doctor of inner medicine, doctor, chief doctor specialised in rheumatology and the rehabilitation of the movement organs

Consulting hours: Mondays and Fridays: 16:00 - 17:00 - Fee of the medical examination: HUF 4,000 / person



A kezelés ára:

8 perc 1 000.-Ft
20 perc 2 000.- Ft.

A BEMER terápia egy speciális pulzáló mágnesmező terápia, mely egyedülálló módon javítja az egész test oxigén- és vérellátását, serkenti a szervezet anyagcseréjét, támogatja az immunrendszert és ezáltal fontos segítséget jelent a szervezet öngyógyító erőinek aktivizálásában.

30 perces kezelés ára: 3 500.- Ft 

Illetve a készülék meg is vásárolható a Hotelben, melynek ára: 195 000.-Ft

(dupla mágneses magnetoelektro-akupunktúrás készülék)

A kezelés az akupunktúrás pontok stimulálásán keresztül aktiválja a szervezet egyensúlybeállító, „öngyógyító” tevékenységét.

10 perces kezelés bevezető ára: 800,- Ft

A készülék az általános sebészet egyik fontos és nélkülözhetetlen gyógyító és rehabilitációs eszköze. Igen hatékony a hámhiányos sebek, különböző kiterjedésű és eredetű fekélyek kezelésében, fokozza a vér cirkulációt, a sejtanyagcsere stimulációt, segíti az oedemás duzzanat lelohadását, gyors és hosszantartó fájdalomcsillapító, immunstimuláló hatású.

2 500 Ft.- / 30 perc

(Integrált Biológiai Szabályozó Rendszer)

Ez a mikro-elektro-mágneses diagnosztikai és terápiás rendszer lehetővé teszi az emberi szervezet komplex elektromos és mágneses spektrumanalízisét és grafikus megjelenítését.

price of the 40-minute-treatment: HUF 800.-

​The Medistones Jadeite-stone massage bed is able to provide you with special massage experience owing to the massage heads carved of Jadeite stone together with the infra heat generated by the carbon tiles. 

Price of the 15-minute sound therapy treatment:
1 db kezelés:1 treatment: costs HUF 1,500.-
60 treatments: cost HUF 80,000.-

​The sound therapy is a clinically proven and efficient, confirmed painless therapy without any side-effects.

PRICE: HUF 1,000 / occasion

... the freedom of easy movement ...

The shock wave therapy, developed only a few years ago, is suitable mainly to treat the complaints and illnesses of the movement organs. Contrary to operation interventions and medical treatments, it has no side-effects!

price of the 40 - 50 minute-treatment: HUF 1,500.-

CHOKE-DAMP (mofette) is a term used in geology, which means volcanic evaporation including much carbon-dioxide of a relatively low temperature.

PRICE without evaluation by the doctor: HUF 1,000 / occasion
With evaluation by the doctor: HUF 3,000 / occasion


Test the extraordinary and exceptionally reliable method, spare your heart!


price of the 10-minute-treatment: HUF 500.- 
20 minutes: HUF 1,000.-

The pain in the back accompanies the life of many of us – the reasons for this can be variable: not only a painful hernia but also a „loose” posture, a chair or a table not set at the correct height but also the unhealthy work environment or stationary or sedentary work all day long. The device is suitable to the following excellently: lengthening the backbone and relieving high-toned muscles